Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Just want you to know I am healthy.  It's computer problems that are holding posts up.  We had everything working just fine until I wanted to sell some items on Etsy and Ebay.  Some how everything got mixed up.  Right now we don't know if it is Etsy or the local wind is messing everything up.  So until we get this mess straightened out, I will have posts up when I can.  These posts are being messed up, too.  This is getting my Irish Temper up, but it just takes time I guess.



Tom said...

...and I am having computer problems too.

Laura said...

Sorry you are having problems with your computer - it can be very aggravating! Hope it will be better soon :)

William Kendall said...

Hopefully it gets sorted out soon.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how we get so dependent on technology a lot, isn't it? Though I do hope and feel certain it will all be worked out soon. Blessings Marilyn, Carol