Friday, April 12, 2019


Hi folks,
In the first picture is me with all the toys I have.  I needed to go to the dog groomer's - BAD!  So Mom got me an appointment at the groomers.  The rest of the pictures are of me when I got done.  The second picture, I had to show me off.  The third and fourth pictures of are me in the car waiting for Mom to get in.  Thought you folks would like to see me all groomed up.
Happy a Great Weekend,


Tom said...

..look at all those toys!

Vickie said...

Wow! Pierre sure has a LOT of toys!! He looks beautiful now. I hope you are feeling well Marilyn.

New York State Of Mind said...

Goof Morning Tom.
He is spoiled. What can I saw.


New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Vickie,
He is spoiled. Friends buy him toys. I buy him toys.. He does look handsome now that he is groomed. All is well here. Hope all is well at your house.


New York State Of Mind said...

Hello William,

Thank you.


littlemancat said...

Just caught up with you today - Pierre looks so cute! And happy with all his nice toys.

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Mary,
He does look cute after that grooming. Pierre gets more toys. I have to go through it and give away the ones he doesn't use. But he has so many.
