Monday, May 6, 2019


I went to an Amish area that I hadn't been to since last fall.  It was a cloudy day with rain here and there.


Tom said...

...and I think that I know some of the places you saw!

littlemancat said...

Just wondering - I thought that Elmer in a post awhile back, told us that Amish buggies were gray and Mennonite ones black. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.I remember thinking it was opposite from what I would have thought. Anyway, nice photos, Marilyn.

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Tom,

I am sure you know some of the places I saw.


New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Mary,
As Elmer and Anna are on their way home from Pinecraft, Florida, I called Jean to ask her about buggies. Elmer buggies are gray and Jean's buggies are black. Now that is most in their area. BUT, as more new people are moving into their area, some Amish that have come in, drive black buggies because that is what they drove in the area they came from. I hope Jean and I didn't confuse you.


littlemancat said...

Thanks, Marilyn. I get it. It's very much a regional thing and new people in the area would bring their ways with them. I often wonder about the Lancaster area as I see both gray and black buggies. Perhaps a mix also. So interesting.

William Kendall said...

They're quite similar to the ones I've seen in southern Ontario, but that area is more Mennonite.