Monday, November 9, 2020


 Silos on the back roads.  Light was not good that day. 

I am sorry about not answering your comments.  My computer just quit working and I had to take it to the computer lady.  I just got it back today.  It's new computer time.  I will try to post every day, but I have to go to the eye doctor today, so I don't know how I will make out.  


Tom said... are keeping the computer lady busy, good luck.

littlemancat said...

Computer problems are no fun - hope yours get fixed without too much trouble.
All those silos! Love them.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Tom,
Unfortunately, I am keeping her busy. She told me a year or so ago it was time to get a new one.


New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Mary,

Glad you like the silos. Computers are problems sometimes.
