These are just some of the cars that were at the car show today. The top 1954 Ford belongs to a friend of mine. Her Dad bought that for her, used, back in 1966 so she could use it to go back and forth to school and her job after school. We also had fun with it during the summer of 1966 and during 1967. When she went to college her Dad sold it as they weren't allowed cars at her college the first two years you are there. After graduation, she got a job, married and every anniversary, birthday, Christmas, etc. when asked what she wanted she said her 1954 Ford. After a long and hard search, her husband found her 1954 Ford and gave it to her as a gift. That was over 30 years ago and she still has the car today - she still has her husband, too. The Ford Roaster reminds me of one my brother use to have. Of course, I have a Ford Mustang on here, Richard. I have a lot more cars from the show, so I thought I would save them and when the white stuff season comes but them on to remind what we have to look forward to in the summer.
Good Morning Everyone,
Hope you enjoy these antique cars. Like I said, I have a lot more. Some of these makes of cars aren't made any more.
I slept through the big parade yesterday, as I took a nap and over slept. I won't take my nap today until I get the horse parade today.
Always love seeing local car shows from different areas and state's Marilyn, so nice job and Id say my favorite car in your images would be that big Lincoln!
Thank you Richard, for the complements. Seeing I drive a Lincoln, I liked that one the best, too. It is 1983 Lincoln Mark IV. Mine is a 1997 Lincoln Signature. I wish my Lincoln looked as good as his.
Hi Folks,
I stayed awake and got the pictures of the horse parade. They will on this coming Friday, September 20th. Hope you enjoy them.
I also posted some pictures from a car show I had gone to in Lancaster at least 1 year ago on Purecountryliving, and I had these images in my computer for so long I had almost forgotten where I was at this particular show.
In these pictures is a local favorite " The Amish Hot Rod" which I sometimes see at the many shows that I attend, and among these pictures is a really nice blue later 1970s Lincoln!
I will get over to see that right now, Richard,
What a nice car show Marilyn. I just looked at Richard's blog to see the Amish Hot Rod. What a great car, and quite appropriate for Lancaster PA.
Thank you Doreen,
I still have a lot more pictures for later on. I have been over to Richard's, too. I liked that Amish Hot Rod, too.
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