Monday, April 15, 2019


Jean and I went to the African Violet Show last Saturday.  These are pictures of some of the flowers.  Have a lot more coming in future posts. Number 7 describes number 6.  There are many more different African Violets than we would normally see. 


C said...

Wonderful!!!! Looking forward to the other posts containing the pictures.... So glad you got to the show! Chris

Tom said...

...many sure are passionate about them.

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Chris,
SO glad you like them. Will show more every now and again. Jean and I made it there. We had a real good time.


New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Tom,

You are right there.


littlemancat said...

So glad that you and Jean got there - and thank you for showing the photos to us. What a variety!

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Mary,
There weren't many people this year like their usually are. Jean and I are glad we went, too. Glad you like them. There is more of the variety coming now and then.


William Kendall said...

These are very pretty!

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi William,
Thank you. I think so, too.
